A Moments Connection

There is nothing better than the moments of connection you share with those you have chosen to love. When without saying a word, they let you know that, yea, I get you and I like it.

I was watching Forget Paris last night, one of my favorite comedy-romance films, when my wife slowly stood up to walk out of the room. My attention is inevitably pulled when she walks by and my eyes are drawn to her beautiful behind. Without a conscious thought my hand raises to meet it and she slows down even more, turning her waist so her ass meets my hand in a playful slap. My hand lingers to caress its curve and after the briefest of moments, she walks out without saying a word.

Moments like that resonate so much more than any off handed “I love you” as I walk out of the door. Happiness is found in these silent connections; Be they a look or a small act of kindness, or a lingering caress. Make an effort, and share a moment of appreciation with your chosen love(s). It will be rewarded.

Hail Satan!

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