Pseudo-Satanic Bingo Card 10 Select the text to highlight the square if the pseudo-Satanic idea or statement is drawn and presented. Boyd Rice is the true High Priest Devil Worship Animal or Baby Sacrifice The CoS is a money Making Scheme LaVey Lied About His Life Satanism Existed Before LaVey LaVey Plagiarized Ragnar Redbeard TsT How Do I Get Rich With Black Magic Illuminati Gotta Believe in God to Believe in the Devil You're Anti Christians Crowley Was Satanic You're as Bad as Christians How Do You Summon A Demon/Lucifer? I Want to Serve Lord Satan Where Can I Get A Satanic Bible? I've Read TSB & I don't Understand Greater Magic The CoS Died with LaVey Have You Met Satan Death Bed Confession The CoS Needs to Evolve Isn't Greater Magic the Same as Praying? I Contact the Dead with A Ouija Board Return to the Pseudo-Satanic Bingo page.