Pseudo-Satanic Bingo Card 6 Select the text to highlight the square if the pseudo-Satanic idea or statement is drawn and presented. You're Anti Christians The CoS is a money Making Scheme Have You Met Satan Sell Your Soul Death Bed Confession I Want to Serve Lord Satan Animal or Baby Sacrifice The CoS Needs to Evolve I Contact the Dead with A Ouija Board LaVey Plagiarized Ragnar Redbeard Satanism Existed Before LaVey TsT Boyd Rice is the true High Priest How Do I Get Rich With Black Magic You're as Bad as Christians Crowley Was Satanic How Do You Summon A Demon/Lucifer? Gotta Believe in God to Believe in the Devil The CoS Died with LaVey Illuminati LaVey Lied About His Life There Are Satanic Branches Isn't Greater Magic the Same as Praying? Where Can I Get A Satanic Bible? Return to the Pseudo-Satanic Bingo page.