9sense Podcast Archive - 13 April, XLIX A.S

13 April, XLIX A.S.

  1. 9sense Letters – Satanism and Welfare
  2. Creature Feature – The Abominable Dr. Phibes
  3. Down to the Crossroads – Episode 22 – Time of Rag.

Detailed notes3

  • Suck buggers out of nose comment


Welcome to 9sense. 9sense is A Satanic Perspective of Our Modern World and I am your host Adam Campbell. It’s great to have you. It’s April 13th, and I have a great show for you this week.

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  • Happy Birthday Shauna
  • Dresses for a birthday – disappointment
  • Spa Day – gay

9sense Letters

  • From 18th key: Satanism and Welfare  (this is an important topic)

    I remember hearing Magus Gilmore say he has no problem with “temporary help” for those down on their luck or in between jobs who need food stamps or whatnot and was surprised to hear him say that.  This was in a Josh P Warren Church of Satan documentary.  Also, I know Satanism advocates stratification and segregation of those who are working against society as you said in one episode.  However, “what should be done with those” who contribute nothing, criminals, those with disabilities, etc…  In my opinion, I don’t want them or care and let the white lighters clean up the mess yet I do feel that social services and homeless shelters do keep the streets “clean” so to speak and serve a purpose for society so may not be all that bad.  If there was ZERO social services or homeless shelters then crime would be a big issue and the homeless would be sleeping in your front yard because they would have nowhere to go. Lol!  Maybe the third side would be to get them into programs that can get them to contribute to society rather than expecting to get something with NOTHING in return with the whole donation deal.  If you want a free meal then take out the trash at the homeless shelter or clean graffiti off of park benches, etc…

    I do think some people have things happen to them that are out of their control like medical bills, divorce, unexpected sickness, etc…  so it is easy to make blanket statements about all homeless people and say none of them want to work or get a job or they are all on drugs.  I have known of people who don’t use drugs or drink who couldn’t come up with rent quick enough and become homeless.

    Here is a good website on this which shows the reality of what happens when a human ends up in this position: http://kylyssa.squidoo.com/why-homeless-people-dont-just-get-a-job

    I think in today’s economy this could happen to anyone because no job is secure these days.

    However, I think these people need to do what it takes to become self-reliant and not live off of the government teat for the rest of their lives like a minority of these types do.

Creature Feature

Down to the Crossroads

<iframe src=”https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:user:chelseagirl19:playlist:3yKFYbaensSamypZAItCDE” width=”300″ height=”380″ frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true”></iframe>

Adam’s Road Rage

  • Game Stop Fraud


That’s it for another show,  I hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear from you, visit the website 9sensepodcast.com, and send your correspondence to info@9sensepodcast.com, let me know of any suggestions, critiques, corrections or general comments you might have.

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Once again, thank you for joining me, and as always I am your host Adam Campbell, and until next week Hail Satan!