9sense Podcast Archive - 30 October, XLVI A.S.

30 October, XLVI A.S.

Greater Magic Discussion with Reverend Bill M., Citizen Storm, and your host Citizen Campbell.

Detailed Notes


  1. What part can music play in ritual and how can it emotionally effect the participant(s) toward a more effective working?
  2.  Does the CoS believe that through the application of Satanic Ritual that reality can be changed in accordance with the sorcerer’s will, or are the Satanic Rituals merely for the purpose of pyschodrama?
  3. Do you feel as science discovers more, specifically thought reading via magnetic fields, i.e. Michael Persinger’s No More Secrets lecture, it lessons the appeal of Magic? or Does shining a light on the unknown, cause the unknown to loose appeal?


  1. When was your first ritual and would you be comfortable talking briefly about it?
  2. Where there technical tricks you learned from that first attempt?
  3. What is the proper way to employ the Infernal Names as listed by the Satanic Bible? Should I call out the entire list or is it better to lock in on specific names for a better focus in the ritual?
  4. Do you ever read the Enochian keys in their raw format? How do you pronounce the language?
  5. Have you ever used a woman as the alter, and do you feel like it added to or detracted from the ritual?
  6. Are there rituals that you prefer to perform alone? Are there some you prefer company to perform?
  7. What prompts you to use ritual the most?
  8. There are three types of ritual, sex, compassion, & destruction. Has anyone here used a sex ritual?
  9. The Satanic Bible, in the Book of Belial says “… it matters not whether anyone attaches any significance to your workings, so long as the results of the workings are in accordance with your will.”  Do you think an overzealous ego, that demands recognition will be a detriment to success or future ritual workings?
  10. Reverend Bill’s “BIC4” mnemonic
  11. obtaining tools
  12. excuses people make to dismiss ritual
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