
IBSLNH - Mandalorians - November 2018


Cameron and Adam sit down to talk about Madalorians. We will cover their history, both legends and cannon, their culture and what we are looking forward to in the future!

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IBSLNH - Nightsisters - October 2018


Cameron and Adam discuss everything about our favorite Star Wars force witches, the Nightsisters! Join us for this, the Main Show of The Infernal Brotherhood of the Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders, a Star Wars video podcast made by Star Wars fans for Star Wars fans.

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IBSLNH - The Force - February 2018

The Force

We will be discussing how the Force has evolved from Star Wars episode 4 to the prequels. How the concept and explanation of the Force has altered from the extended universe, now considered legends, to the current cannon presentation in both television and films.

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