DireLands Geography | DireLands Fantasy Campaign Setting | Eviliv3 Play

DireLands Geography

Join Adam as he builds out the DireLands fantasy campaign setting geography. This is the continuation of a series of livestreams which will see the development of the DireLands fantasy campaign setting. You can learn more about DireLands here: https://reverendcampbell.com/direlands/ 

About DireLands Fantasy Campaign Setting

DireLands is a system agnostic, dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying campaign setting. It was created by Adam P. Campbell in 2024. DireLands is set in a land that is in the final century of an ice age that saw the rise of the Witch-Queen who subjugated the three realms’ populations and cast out the demi-human races. The Triumvirate rose in the last century and liberated two of the three nations, but after their victory, they have become corrupt themselves.

Show Notes:


Welcome to this continuation of my DireLands system agnostic, dark fantasy campaign setting episode! My name is Adam, and in this episode I will be outlining the DireLands Fantasy Campaign Setting geography. I will also be discussing the concepts of the DireLands setting.


  • The Planet and its Moons
    • DireLands takes place on the planet of Ciar-mhonadh (kierd-vonnig). It has an equatorial diameter of  , with five primary landmasses.
      • The planet lies in the goldilocks zone which it shares with one other planet that is unknown. 
      • There are at least twelve other planets in the system either closer or further away from the goldilocks zone.
    • Continents (five)
      • In this Frozen Epoch, two of the landmases, Faulest and the continent to the west, where the Men from the West originally came from, are connected by a northern glacial land bridge.
        • Due to its inhospitable terrain and temperatures, no men or demi-humans have attempted to traverse the glacial land bridge. 
      • There is a large island south of Faulest called Quill. It is the ancestral home of halflings and fey creatures. 
      • To the east, surrounded by the oceans is the continent of Haughlus (haw-lus). This is the ancestral homeland of the elves. It is also home to many wild creatures, even rumors of ancient dragons. 
      • The south pole features a frozen continent that has yet to be explored or named.
    • Seas
      • The sea that separates Haughlus and Faulest is called the West Groinich Ocean (groin- ish). 
      • The sea separating Haughlus and the unexplored continent of the men from the west is called East Groinich Ocean. They are named after the sea goddess of the elves. 
      • The sea separating the men from the west and Faulest is called the Praulix Sea, named after the first-nation people’s god of the deep. 
      • The ocean waters between Quill and Faulest are known as the Krawtion Straits. This means ‘unreachable’ in the nativ e halfling language. 
      • The ocean separating the three continents and the southern continent is referred to as the Ruz Ocean. It’s named after the halfling god of mischief. 
    • Islands
      • There are many smaller landmasses and islands scattered throughout the oceans.
  • Moons
    • The planet has two moons, one, which is incredibly large with a diameter of 3,506 miles, and gets the closest to the planet is called Dòiche (do-chye). Its name ironically means hope. This moon is primarily inhabited by gnomes and aberrations.
      • It takes twenty-five years for the moon to circle the planet once in its oblong orbit. When it reaches the northernmost region of Locaston, a magical bridge appears. It is seen as an ill omen by the northern men and half-orc tribes, as monstrosities often appear in its close proximity. 
    • The second moon, which is much smaller at only 958 miles in diameter, reflects very little light, making it perpetually dark. It is called Eu-dòchas (eh-do-chas)  and is believed to be inhabited by evil cosmic beings. Its name means despair.
  • The details of the unknown continents, islands, moons, and even planets will be outlined in future supplements.


Thank you for watching today’s DireLands Fantasy Campaign Setting timeline episode. Please consider subscribing to this YouTube channel and liking and commenting on this video. Always remember that evil spelled backwards is live, so get out there and be evil!

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