Join Adam as he builds out the DireLands fantasy campaign setting timeline. This is the continuation of a series of livestreams which will see the development of the DireLands fantasy campaign setting. You can learn more about DireLands here:
About DireLands Fantasy Campaign Setting
DireLands is a system agnostic, dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying campaign setting. It was created by Adam P. Campbell in 2024. DireLands is set in a land that is in the final century of an ice age that saw the rise of the Witch-Queen who subjugated the three realms’ populations and cast out the demi-human races. The Triumverate rose in the last century and liberated two of the three nations, but after their victory, they have become corrupt themselves.

This historical record is annotated from the memories and myths of the people from the continent of Faulest. As the history begins with the arrival and domination of the men from across the sea, we can only imagine the history is skewed and twisted from their perspective, as history is primarily recorded and shaped by the victors throughout history.
This is not meant to be a complete historical timeline, but rather, it is a living record that will be continually added to as the fantasy campaign setting is developed. The years are punctuated with A.M. or ‘After Men Arrived from the West’ until the Ice Age and the overthrowing of the Witch-Queen where they adopted the F.A. or ‘Frozen Age’ extension. There was no need to record history, or none was discovered by the men from the original peoples of Faulest.
Establishment Epoch
1754-1045 A.M.
Men came from across the sea from the west. Their original homeland is forgotten to time, but it is believed by the demi-races that they may have been forced to leave. They made a foothold on the coast of the Faulestian continent and worked their way east.
Nations Epoch
1042-0 A.M.
The three nations were formed by compact to end border disputes and establish law and order. To the north was the nation of Locaston. To the east was the nation of Caelia, and to the west was the nation of Bressus. Wildlands are contested within each nation through their own governments and settlements.
Beginning of the Ice Age
902 A.M. – F.A.
The climate began to dramatically shift on Faulest. It is believed to be a global change effecting the entire planet of Ciar-mhonadh (kierd-vonnig). The farthest northern glaciers began to spread south, stretching and forcing the migration of the North Men and Half-Orc populations south.
Rise of the Witch-Queen
750-644 A.M.
The destabilization of the terrain and peoples due to the Ice Age, caused war to spread all across Faulest, presenting the opportunity for the Witch-Queen to seize power and build her empire. The Witch-Queen rose and unified each of the five kingdoms to create her empire.
Magic Was Restricted
643 A.M.
Men were banned from practicing magic. All of the magical orders that allowed men in their ranks were forced to go underground and exist in the form of secret societies.
Subjugation of the demi-races
643-597 A.M.
During the Witch-Queen’s reign, she subjugated the demi-human races, forcing them into slavery, into the Wildlands, or off the continent of Faulest entirely, with many returning to their ancestral lands. The vast majority of Elves are believed to have returned to their home continent of Haughlus to the east, Dwarves dug deep under the Faulest continent, and Halflings fled to the southern isle of Quill.
Frozen Epoch
1-75 F.A.
This is the current epoch. It was defined by the Triumverate, the knightly order from Bressus, overthrowing the Witch-Queen. Now magic is mistrusted, especially when wielded by women.
The Triumverate has grown complacent and corrupt in the years since their victory. Darkness is returning to the land, and the public belief is that it may be coming from the Witch-Queen’s nation of Locaston, where the remnanats of her military might known as The Gaullix still dwell.
Rival Witch orders have begun to appear since the Witch-Queen’s fall, threatening the stability fought for by the Triumverate.