Force Powers | How to Play Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition | The Infernal Brotherhood

Force Powers

Let’s learn more about Force skills in West End Games’ Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition. You can learn more about Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game here: 

You can pick up the original sourcebooks as PDF’s here: 

Time Stamps:

About Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition

Few books or games have had as enduring an impact upon the Star Wars galaxy and its fans as Star Wars™: The Roleplaying Game. Originally published by West End Games in 1987, it arrived at a time when the future of the Star Wars galaxy was uncertain, and it captivated a whole generation of gamers with rules and guidelines that made it possible to design and enjoy adventures truly worthy of the Star Wars universe and its ongoing space opera.

Now Fantasy Flight Games is proud to offer faithful recreations of this influential rulebook and The Star Wars™ Sourcebook. Our Star Wars™: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition is a limited edition set of both books, printed with higher quality than the originals and packaged in a stylized slipcase.

These books were sent to Timothy Zahn as references when he started to develop Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Thrawn trilogy. They introduced materials that were later adopted into Star Wars canon, such as the names of alien races like the Twi’lek, Rodians, and Quarren. They even inspired members of the Lucasfilm Story Group as they worked on their writers’ bible.

Now, Fantasy Flight Games is proud to return Star Wars: The Roleplaying to print as a collectible set of two high-quality, hardbound books presented in a stylized slipcase. You’ll find all the original game materials—just as playable as ever—and they’re presented with the same graphic design and fake, in-universe Star Wars advertisements for the Imperial Navy, the R2 astromech Droid, and more.

Even the books’ use of black-and-white, blue ink, and full color sections have been recreated, along with its use of still photos and concept art, some of which have been updated for this new 30th Anniversary Edition. Finally, the books come with a foreword by Pablo Hidalgo, one of the creative executives on the Lucasfilm Story Group.



Welcome to The Infernal Brotherhood of the Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders! In this episode of How to Play West End Games’ Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition, we are discussing Force Powers.



As mentioned in the previous episode on The Force, it is very rare for a player character or PC to be able to wield The Force, or have any access to the Force powers we are about to cover. And this is for good reason, as Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game is set in the Original Trilogy of the Star Wars universe. The Jedi are all but extinct, hunted down by Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith, on behalf of the Emperor. In fact, there are only 4 out of the 24 character templates that offer any basic use of the force skills of Control, Sense, or Alter. Below is a brief summary of the Force powers you may learn to wield with those three aforementioned force skills individually or combined. If you would like to learn more about Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game or these listed Force Powers, I highly suggest using the link in the description below and playing the Tabletop Roleplaying Game or TTRPG yourself.


The Control skill allows you to control the Force inherent in your own body. Some of the force powers associated with it are: 

Control Pain: You are able to control your pain and act as though you are not wounded even when you are, beginning in the round after you initiate this power. You are not healed, you are able to ignore the effects of your wounded state.

Remain Conscious: On the round after becoming mortally wounded or incapacitated you may use this power to remain conscious. This may be used with the Control Pain force power.

Hibernation Trance: Your heartbeat slows to a few beats per minute. Your breathing drops to a minimum, and you are unconscious. This is useful for playing dead, you consume one tenth as much air, and you can remain in this state for a week in a dry climate, or a month in a wet one.

Accelerate Healing: You are able to make two natural healing rolls each day with a plus two to each roll.

Contort/Escape: You may escape bonds by contorting in painful and difficult physical ways.

Detoxify Person: you are not only able to detoxify poisons in your body, you can actually expel them.

Control Disease: You are able to direct and control the antibodies and healing resources in your body to throw off infection or attack disease.

Absorb/Dissipate Energy: You are able to absorb or dissipate light, heat, microwave, electromagnetic radiation, hard radiation and blaster bolts.


With the sense skill you can “feel” the ebb and flow of the Force, sensing the bonds that connect all things. Some of the force powers associated with it are: 

Receptive Telepathy: You can read the target’s thoughts as well as emotions. The depth of the probing depends on the difficulty number.

Magnify Senses: You are able to use your senses far beyond your normal species’ limits.

Life Sense: You may sense the presence and identity of a person you are sensing for. You may also be able to sense the state of their health.

Instinctive Astrogation: You are able to reduce the astrogation without a nav computer skill roll difficulty number by five from 30 to 25.

You may also combine Control and Sense with the following two powers:

Projective Telepathy: Your target hears your thoughts and feels your emotions. The target is aware they are the thoughts of the force user.

Farseeing: You may see a person or place in your mind, as it is at that moment. You are also able to see their immediate surroundings.


With the Alter force skill you can move objects with your mind alone. Some of the force powers associated with it are: 

Telekinesis: You are able to levitate and move objects with your mind. If you use this power to injure or attack, you gain a Dark Side point.

Injure/Kill: You are able to target a part of the body and damage it. You will immediately gain a Dark Side point using this skill.

You may use the Control and Alter skills together with the following powers: 

Control Another’s Pain: This causes the same effect of the control pain power but on others.

Inflict Pain: The target experiences extreme pain and agony. You will receive a dark side point using this power.

Return to Consciousness: You bring the target back to consciousness much like the Remain Conscious force power.

Place in Hibernation Trance: You put another PC into a hibernation trance like the individual force power.

Accelerate another’s healing: Similar to the accelerated healing force power.

Detoxify Poison in Another: Similar to the individual force power.

Control Another’s Disease: Similar to the Control Disease force power.

Transfer Force: You are able to transfer your force power into another mortally wounded life force, keeping them alive.

You may also combine all three force skills of control, sense and alter to use the following force powers: 

Affect Mind: You may alter perceptions, memories or conclusions, forcing your target to see or believe things you wish them to.

Telekinetic Kill: You use your telekinetic ability to injure or kill a target. You will earn a Dark Side point for using this power.


These are only the force powers presented in the core rulebook. Together with your Game Master or GM, you may flesh out other force powers and their difficulty numbers and effects. There are also ancient secret force powers depending on the force tradition you are leveraging in your campaigns. Uncovering them may be the focus of a whole series of adventures. Always remember the unbalancing nature The Force may have in any campaign, and the heightened focus on playing good PC’s and the consequences for acting evil in this TTRPG. 


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Until the Infernal Brotherhood convenes again my fellow scruffy looking, nerf herders “May the Force be with you.”

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