In Memoriam Kacey Leavitt

In Memoriam
Kacey Jeremy Leavitt
January 10, 1996 – January 29th, 2018

I had the honor of being a Pallbearer at my nephews funeral this past Saturday. It was a long day that celebrated the memory and achievements of this incredibly brilliant and warm man. My first interactions with him were sparse, as I was stationed in Mannheim, Germany in the U.S. Army during his early life, but my wife and I were pleased to have given him and his brother their first light sabers. When I was able to have one-on-one conversations as an adult with Kacey, they would inevitably start with talk of women and end with discussions of education and study.

Kacey was much smarter than I was and in truth I was a bit jealous of his intellect. I knew he would make a mark on this world, a mark that had the ability to shift paradigms in AI and pattern recognition. His friends and development partners in college are carrying on his legacy ensuring that though his body may be in the ground, his legacy is very much alive.

Thank you all for your thoughts and notes this past week. I have been trying to be present for my sister and her family and now, we are excitedly watching as the future unfolds informed by our son, brother, nephew, grandson and cousin’s inspiration and work.

Hail Kacey!

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