Review: In Nomine: Liber Umbrarum - The Book of Ghosts | In Nomine

Liber Umbrarum – The Book of Ghosts Review

Join as Evilive reviews In Nomine: Liber Umbrarum – The Book of Ghosts by Chris Anthony. It was originally published by @SteveJacksonGames on January 15, 2003. You can learn more here and buy it here 

Show Notes

  • Written by Chris Anthony + Edited by Elizabeth McCoy
  • Additional material by Elizabeth McCoy, Scott D. Haring, and Maurice Lane
  • Illustrated by Rogério Vilela and Christopher Shy
  • 40 pages. PDF. + Price $9.00 + Stock number 37-3320
  • In Nomine and GURPS stats
  • Ghosts vs Spirits = Phantom, Shade or Haunt vs Ethereal
    • Ghosts manifest in corporeal realm or are celestial forms
    • They can enter ethereal realm through dreaming celestials or a tether
  • For creating ghost PC and NPC’s including new Resources for both
    • Advantages, Disadvantages
    • Roles, Skills
  • Types of Ghosts
    • Human Ghosts: Screaming Skulls (poltergeists), Hungry Ghosts (Gaki), Puncta Mortum (Moment of death), Lurker, Mirror Ghosts,  
    • Animal Ghosts: Shrikes, Ghost Cats, Phantom Herds, Viduae (relics) 
    • Location Ghosts: Transplantation, Echoes, Ghost Ships
  • Using Ghosts in Game


Five Evil Eyes Rating
Five Evil Eyes Rating
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