The Infernal Legion Logo by Reverend Campbell

Memorial Day 2024 – Infernal Legion #045

I had the pleasure of appearing on the Infernal Legion podcast to celebrate this Memorial Day. I shared an excerpt of john Milton’s Paradise Lost and connected it to the fallen soldiers, and us Satanists. You can find the Infernal Legion on RadioFreeSatan here:

Enjoy the episode:

Paradise Lost Excerpt:

All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?

Paradise Lost, Book One
John Milton

My Thoughts

  • Its talking about lucifers fall but it could easily be talking about fallen soldiers
  • Revenge and hate would be the state sending them to battle
  • Courage never submitting being the soldiers role
  • What else not to be overcome? Meaning it is not teh soldiers will or choice to do anything but follow orders
    • Put themselves in harm for their brothers in arms and civilians at home
    • Soldiers gave up rights to serve, in order to secure those rights
  • Satanists are fallen
  • Memorial day is meant to honor the fallen in service
  • As we know what it means to be outcast for our beliefs, we too understand sacrifice, perhaps more than most
  • Veterans are doubly sentient to sacrifice, as it was ever present
  • So we honor those who have fallen, not farther than us yet still beyond our mortal reach
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