The Infernal Brotherhood

IBSLNH - Leia Organa - April 2018

Leia Organa

Cameron and Adam discuss Leia Organa. We will cover Legends to Canon, her impact on feminism and the actress behind the character.

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IBSLNH - Star Wars Rebels - March 2018

Star Wars Rebels

Now that is has ended, join Cameron, Patrick and Adam as we discuss the Star Wars Rebels series. The series has brought new concepts to the Star Wars Universe. It is a spiritual successor to Star Wars The Clone Wars series as well.

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IBSLNH - The Force - February 2018

The Force

We will be discussing how the Force has evolved from Star Wars episode 4 to the prequels. How the concept and explanation of the Force has altered from the extended universe, now considered legends, to the current cannon presentation in both television and films.

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IBSLNH - Star Wars Video Games - January 2018

Star Wars Video Games

Your Hosts are joined by Valefar of Idle Hands video podcast to discuss their most and least favorite Star Wars Video Games. Cameron and Adam also present their attempts at playing Star Wars Kinect Rancor Rampage.

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IBSLNH - The Last Jedi - December 2017

The Last Jedi

The Infernal Brotherhood of the Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders presents their initial reactions and review of The Last Jedi. There WILL be spoiler talk!

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