9sense Podcast Archive - 03 January, LI A.S.

03 January, LI A.S.

9sense Letter to the Audience

Detailed Notes

“Despite other’ attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known that Nine is His Number. Nine is the number of the Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of Nine by any other number, in the final equation nine alone will stand forth.

The true ages of time are cast in the likeness of Nine, with all cycles obedient to its Law. All matters of terrestrial concern may be evaluated by the infallible resolution of Nine and its offspring…”

The Unknown Known

Anton Szandor LaVey
The Satanic Rituals

I started 9sense five years ago with the promise that though it may not live as long as 9 years, it will not live longer. Today I am announcing the end of 9sense. 

I started this podcast with a desire to fill a void, hell, my positioning statement was A Satanic Perspective of Our Modern World. Over the years as more and more contributors joined me our mission became clear, to Define the Greater Satanic Conversation. For years we have been entertaining you the audience with our particular Satanic Wit and Wisdom. That time with 9sense as it’s format is finished. There are many other worthwhile Satanic podcasts available now and myself and all the contributors to 9sense have other projects to focus on. 

It has been an exciting journey, these past five years. Hearing from you about your experiences and thoughts of our weekly episodes has truly made this project worthwhile and powerful. Make no mistake, 9sense has been at the top since the beginning. It has been the show to aspire to, and though you may not have agreed with my or my contributors perspectives, you tuned in and laughed, were disgusted, educated and entertained. 

Thank you for tuning in these five years. Thank you for your attention and time. To those I have corresponded with and those who left testimonials and ratings you have my gratitude. Satanism is about improving oneself through the making and meeting of goals. I have attained the goals I set for 9sense, and it’s time to make and meet others. Satanism is about realising your true potential, and I can no longer do that with so much of my time being consumed by this project. It is time to move on to the next.

The contributors have total control of their episodes but the traditional podcast episodes will not be available past Walpurgisnacht. The social media accounts and website will be shut down. 9sense has made it’s mark, and it’s time for you to make yours.

Thank you for allowing me to take you on this strange journey and for the last time, I am your host Adam Campbell, Hail Satan!


03 January, LI A.S.
9sense Letter to the Audience

I titled 9sense after Anton LaVey’s essay, The Unknown Known in The Satanic Rituals. I thought it was a clever play on words. What I never expected was for it to become THE definitive Satanic Podcast. With new contributors nearly every year, it grew into an institution and truly defined the Greater Satanic Conversation, every week.

Think about that for a second. I produced this podcast with my contributors every week for five years. When I think back, I don’t know how I ever did it. It has taken an incredible amount of time from my family, profession and other potential projects, so the time has come to end it. 

As Satanists we live life through indulgence and accomplishment. We set goals for ourselves and by achieving them, we make ourselves stronger and more complete. I have met my goal for 9sense and I do not think I have anything left to say. If I have learned anything from Seinfled, it’s to go out while you are on top, so let us Hail Satan one final time.

To the audience, thank you for taking this strange journey with me. To the contributors, from the bottom of my heart, thank you a thousand times. Thank you for your devotion to the show, for sharing your passion with me and the audience and for making 9sense what it is. Thank you to the hierarchy of the Church of Satan for your support. It is time to open a new chapter.

Magister David Harris will be carrying the 9sense tradition with his new podcast ‘Sex, Song, Sinema and Satanism with David Harris’ found at davidharrispodcast.com, I encourage you all to tune in starting January 11th.

And now for the details:

9sense episodes will not be available forever. In fact, all past years (2011-2014) have been removed from the server. All episodes from 2015 will be available until Walpurgisnacht 2016, at which point 9sense will go the way of the Dodo.

All contributor segments will be sent to their respective hosts and they will be able to do with them, whatever they like.

I have chosen to do this for one very specific reason, Satanism is not about dwelling in the past, it’s about looking to the future while being mindful of the past. Let us all stand on our own feet and not hold to past expressions as guides or barriers. Let us stand at the gates of the future and tear them down with our own will, with our passion. We are Satanists and we will own this world! 

Hail Satan! 

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