9sense Podcast Archive - 10 May, L A.S

10 May, L A.S.

Church of Satan Year 50 – Reverend Campbell sits down with the High Priest of the Church of Satan, Magus Peter H. Gilmore for a thorough discussion about the Church of Satan’s 50 years. Magus Gilmore details the initial impact of the church, it’s efforts in disseminating it’s message, the diversity of it’s members, the Church of Satan’s past celebrations and what he sees in it’s future. This is a very special look into the Church of Satan that you will not want to miss.

Detailed notes

History and Impact

  1. When Anton LaVey first formed the Church of Satan, do you imagine he expected it to last 50 years?
  2. What impact did the Church of Satan initially have on society? Was it taken seriously at all?
  3. What hurdles did the Church of Satan have to overcome beyond being taken seriously?
  4. At what point did the CoS turn into a global organization, and was its message clear with the lack of expedient communication to crystallize or correct it?
  5. Do you think the CoS’s and Satanism’s focus on Americanism hurt its global appeal?
  6. Do you think it’s focus on America will alter in the coming years? Do you think that would attract or detract a global Satanic audience?
  7. As Satanists or members of the CoS, we often look to our High Priests, both Anton LaVey and yourself as both role models and guides through Satanism. How do you see the difference between your leadership styles, and how does that effect Satanism as a whole?

Goals to Educate

  1. Certainly Anton LaVey conducted a lot of interviews in the early CoS, what were some of the barriers he had to get through in order to get his message out?
  2. At what point were you brought in as a voice of Satanism in the public?
  3. You have been communicating the principles of Satanism for 20+ years(?), what are some of the more frustrating aspects of that mission?
  4. What was your goal for the website originally and do you think it achieved it?
  5. When you looked to redesign the site, what did you take from your history communicating Satanism to freshen the delivery?
  6. Do you think there will ever be a time when you will no longer need to correct false impressions of Satanism and the CoS?
  7. What are some of the most foolish questions you address? 

Richness of members application

  1. Can you describe a Satanist that joins the CoS?
  2. What types of responses do you get for why members joined?
  3. Do you often lean on members for support administering the CoS?
  4. What makes you proud about the CoS’ members?
  5. What can frustrate you about them?
  6. What are the ways members who wish to communicate with each other, can communicate with each other?
  7. How do you highlight or feature those members who wish to share their accomplishments with the world?
  8. Do you hold back, if you don’t think a project is quite up to par?
  9. What future do you see in the CoS? Is it more about the organization or it’s members?
  10. What hurdles do you see the CoS having to overcome in the coming years?


  1. Everyone knows about the 6.6.06 event, and most people know about the Hellfire caves, what are some of the challenges of organizing a large gathering?
  2. What do you think is the greatest takeaway from those events? a sense of connection with other Satanists or a greater mark of Satanism on society?
  3. Are there any upcoming celebrations for year 50?
  4. How can members learn more about it?
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