9sense Podcast Archive - 28 October, XLVII A.S.

28 October, XLVII A.S.

Greater Magic discussion with Magistra Peggy Nadramia, Citizen Nanaya Asema, and your host Citizen Campbell.

Detailed Notes

Welcome to the 9sense Greater Magic Episode. I am your host, Adam Campbell, it’s great to have you. It is October 28th and I am bringing you a historic episode of 9sense. I sat down with the High Priestess of the Church of Satan, Magistra Peggy Nardamia, and Citizen Nanaya Asema for a thorough discussion about Greater Magic, with a feminine twist, at times.

The full moon had risen above us, the wind was howling, and some of us were enduring a storm that literally rocked the house. We addressed questions from you the audience, thank you for sending them in, and a few from past episodes. Enjoy.


  1. What do you think about Chaos Magic?
  2. What part can music play in ritual and how can it emotionally affect the participant(s) toward a more effective working?
  3. Is it all just psychodrama?
    Who’s There by Magister Nemo
  4. Does the quality of tools have any effect on the outcome of a ritual?
  5. Points of discussion: Ingredients used in Satanic Magic: 1.Desire, 2. Timing, 3.Imagery, 4. Direction, and 5. The Balance Factor


  1. I was not involved in the occult prior to discovering Satanism, so ritualizing felt foreign and awkward when I first started.  Most, but not all of the awkwardness went away with practice. The greatest hurdle has been feeling at home as a celebrant given my personality.  When I picture someone conjuring demons I picture a man, strong & powerful or wizened with age.  If I try to picture a woman, she’s either a scary old crone or some dominatrix type, but not me.
    I’m more like Samantha Stevens or Barbara Eden in “I dream of Jeanie”. If either raised a demon they’d try to hide the mess and end up apologizing for the mishap.
    1. Any advice for either changing how I think of myself during a ritual, or changing the ritual to accommodate how I think of myself?
  2. As a woman, how do you feel about the female altar?
    1. Have you ever considered or used a male altar? 
  3. Do you think Satanists who do not practice greater magic are somehow missing out on anything?
    1. Would you recommend trying it even if one need not feel the need to do so?
      (I ask because I try to hone my skills in Lesser Magic as much as possible from day to day, but could the greater of the two somehow bolster or reinforce the lesser? Perhaps the psychodrama mentally reinforces the attitude of the user somehow.)
  4. How often do you ritualize?
    1. Do you think you get “rusty”, when you haven’t done a ritual in a long while or does it rather help to ritualize seldom, so that it is something very special?
  5. The Surprise Factor:
    1. Where you ever in the situation that something happened in a ritual that you haven’t expected? 
    2. Did that help the ritual or was it a distraction? 
    3. Do you try to purposely create a sense of surprise by introducing chance or does it all have to be planned out?
  6. Where there technical tricks you learned from your first ritual?
  7. What was the best ritual you have ever done?
  8. What was the most interesting outcome?
  9. Did you ever experience something that made you doubt your world view?
    1. Do you believe there is more to it than psychology?
  10.  What techniques can you recommend that are not described in LaVey’s books?
  11. What books about magic, from Satanists and non-Satanists, can you recommend?
  12. Any suggestions for obtaining tools for the ritual, and is it important to have the best quality or a complete set?
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