IBSLNH - 501st Legion Alpine Garrison - September 2018

501st Legion Alpine Garrison

Cameron and Adam sit down with the Jason the 501st Legion Alpine Garrison PR officer and Event coordinator. We are going to talk about the 501st Legion: Vader’s Fist, the Alpine Garrison and Star Wars! Join us for this, the Main Show of The Infernal Brotherhood of the Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders, a Star Wars video podcast made by Star Wars fans for Star Wars fans.

Show Notes


Welcome to The Infernal Brotherhood of the Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders! This is a live streaming Star Wars video podcast—made by Star Wars fans for Star Wars fans. Tonight we are talking with Jason. He is the Garrison PR officer for Alpine Garrison of the 501st legion!

Main Content

  • About the 501st Legion
    • http://www.501st.com/
    • Founded October 17, 2001 by Albin Johnson
    • Mission: “…The Legion is an all-volunteer organization formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts under a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion seeks to promote interest in Star Wars through the building and wearing of quality costumes, and to facilitate the use of these costumes for Star Wars-related events as well as contributions to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work…”
  • About Alpine Garrison
    • https://ut501st.com/
    • When was it formed and by whom?
    • What are some of the events you attend?
    • What are some of the charitable events you support?
    • 501st CRL’s url
  • About Jason
    • How did you discover Star Wars?
    • What was it that you connected with?
    • When did you start costuming?
    • Why the 501st vs Rebel Legion? What makes you determine which to troop with at a multi-club event?
    • What are some of your favorite memories of your time with the AG?
    • What costumes are you working on right now?
    • What is your dream costume?
  • Star Wars Speculation
    • What are you most excited for about the future of Star Wars?


Thank you all for tuning in. You can subscribe to the live video podcast on YouTube or the audio podcast on whatever podcast app you use. You can visit theinfernalbrotherhood.com for all episode and social media information and links. 

Until the Infernal Brotherhood convenes again, my fellow Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders, “May the Force be with you.”

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