Spring Hike to Silver Lake Flat Reservoir

With this pandemic upon us, and our state issuing a stay-at-home recommendation to help flatten the curve, I have been feeling a bit of cabin fever. For the past two weeks I have been dealing with a massive sore throat, which my doctor believes is a remnant from the nasty cold I had three weeks ago, and is aggravated by my allergies, I have been social distancing from my friends.

Add to it the fact that I have not gone out hiking in months, and I am feeling so low that I want to end it all, I decided to fuck it all and take my wife and daughter hiking up the Timpanogos canyon to Silver Lake Flat Reservoir. It’s at the end of a snow covered trail measuring 3.5 miles up a mountain, but the sky was blue and the air clear, so we packed up the dogs and went!

We only saw two other groups hiking until we came back down from the most challenging point, and my dogs loved every second and smell they ran across. The views are spectacular and I hope you enjoy some of the photos I took. This was desperately needed and though I still have a sore throat, I feel like my old self again.

Get out if you can!

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