Statistically, You Suck at Life

Your realization of success in life is entirely dependent on your individual grit. The trouble is, we are increasingly forfeiting grit for technology or lethargy or pretend causes we don’t really want to act on like so may social justice warriors.

If I could force the selective breeding of only those with the will to define and proceed with their own path, I would. Yea, I am talking about eugenics. I want to dispel the bullshit right at the beginning that this is somehow a negative thing. We all choose who we fuck, who we wish to have children with, IF we choose to have children, what the fuck do you think that is?

We are choosing which genes move on into the future, and excluding those we deem unworthy. You don’t like it? How bout you find the exact opposite of what you desire, and accept and carry it to term. You don’t want to? Well, you are an evil Nazi who wants to prevent the magical variation of nature.

No, this is bullshit. Satanists have every right to choose who they want to procreate with, and thus define the future generations of the earth just as much as any other god loving (fearing) thrall out there. So why is it that when we choose to control our progeny it’s a negative, even among those who seem to hold our own socio-political views?

It’s because we must bow down to the extremes of every ideal. Peace, love and inclusion is the new cause du jour, but in truth, I prefer selective inclusion to absolutes of any kind.

If we are to continue accepting the warning label members of our societies, we will continue down the path of ignorance and stupidity we have turned onto with the current American commander in chimp. A man whose father had substance, but whom he is riding in the wake of his accomplishment and the truly stupid among us.

Eugenics is a natural part of evolution. Don’t like it? YOU are the problem and the one acting in contrast to nature!

Hail Satan!

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