The Tower - Episode 011 | Infernal Legion | Eviliv3

The Tower – Episode 011

Join Magister Campbell as he presents another episode of The Tower, A Third Side Perspective to military news for the Infernal Legion. In this episode we are discussing China recruiting U.S. Military Pilots. This originally aired in the Infernal Legion Podcast #46:

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About The Tower

The Tower is a monthly segment of the Infernal Legion podcast. It presents a third side perspective on military personnel, institutions, issues, and news. The Tower’s host, Magister Campbell, is a veteran of the U.S. Army who served for five years from 1997-2002. 

About Infernal Legion

The Infernal Legion is the first Satanic veteran’s service organization. Members of this group are Satanists (as defined by Anton Szandor LaVey in “The Satanic Bible”) and Veterans (as defined in Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations) of the United States Armed Forces.

The Infernal Legion exists as a non-profit organization designed to assist Satanic Veterans with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as well as with housing, employment, counseling, and much more. It also serves to promote the creative endeavors of Satanic Veterans and as a virtual, members only clubhouse for the warriors of the Infernal Empire, the elite of the Alien Elite!



Company Halt. Left Face. At Ease. Listen up soldiers. While we are out here, you will take all commands from the tower, and I am the tower, do you understand? (Yes Sergeant) 

Welcome to The Tower, your dose of military news delivered with an infernal edge. My name is Magister Campbell and today we are discussing China recruiting U.S. Military Pilots.


China wants to recruit military pilots from the U.S. and its allies to strengthen Chinese air power, bulletin warns

by Dan De Luce
June 5, 2024

The warning from the U.S. and its four closest intelligence partners follows several arrests of U.S. service members for allegedly trying to pass info to China.

The U.S. and its intelligence partners warned on Wednesday that China is working to recruit current and former Western military pilots and other service members to help strengthen Chinese air power and gain insights into Western aviation tactics.

Describing China’s efforts as a “persistent” threat, the warning came in a joint bulletin from the so-called Five Eyes intelligence partners, five nations that share sensitive intelligence: the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) “is using private companies in South Africa and China to hire former fighter pilots from Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and other Western nations to train PLA Air Force and Navy aviators,” the bulletin said.

“The PLA wants the skills and expertise of these individuals to make its own military air operations more capable while gaining insight into Western air tactics, techniques, and procedures. The insight the PLA gains from Western military talent threatens the safety of the targeted recruits, their fellow service members, and U.S. and allied security.

“This threat continues to evolve in response to Western government warnings to their military personnel and public, so this notice seeks to continue highlighting this persistent, adaptive threat,” it said. 

The bulletin said the U.S. and its Western partners have taken steps to try to counter the threat, including imposing commercial restrictions on a test flying academy in South Africa and Chinese organizations linked to the spying operations, and prohibiting former military members from working with China.

The bulletin advised current and former Western military members to be on the alert for possible approaches, including job offers from privately owned companies that hide their links to China.

NATO members in January held a conference of senior officers and officials to examine how to counter China’s spying efforts.

The warning from the intelligence partners comes amid growing concern about China’s military buildup and recent drills around Taiwan, which Beijing described as “punishment” after the self-governing island held elections. China says Taiwan is part of its territory and has vowed to take control of the island, by force if necessary.

Wednesday’s bulletin also follows a series of cases in which U.S. military service members have been charged with trying to sell sensitive information to China.

In 2022, former Marine Corps fighter pilot Daniel Duggan was arrested in Australia for allegedly training PLA pilots how to land on aircraft carriers. Duggan, who denies the charges, is awaiting extradition to the U.S.

In March, U.S. Army intelligence analyst Korbein Schultz was arrested and charged with conspiring to sell sensitive defense information to China. He has pleaded not guilty. And in August last year, two Navy sailors were arrested for allegedly relaying sensitive military information to China. Wenheng Zhao pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 27 months. Jinchao Wei has pleaded not guilty.

“These arrests are a reminder of the relentless, aggressive efforts of the People’s Republic of China to undermine our democracy and threaten those who defend it,” assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Suzanne Turner said at the time. 

A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington expressed unfamiliarity with the specific allegations and declined to comment, but said in a general statement, “In recent years, some U.S. officials have been quick to accuse China and smear the normal exchanges and cooperation between China and the U.S., which is not conducive to the healthy development of China-U.S. relations.”


  • Former pilots on the surface is a trickier situation
    • It’s not so black and white
  • How would you know if a private company has ties to China’s military if they are actively hiding it?
    • How is the onus on a now civilian to research the complicated web of front companies to get a job?
  • This tries to connect the espionage of service members to the recruitment of veterans, but it’s not the same thing at all
    • It just reinforces China’s constant attempts to improve its position on the world stage
  • in the U.S. Constitution under the Emoluments Clause and applies to all retired military personnel. In essence, it says “employment of all retired military members, both officer and enlisted and both Regular and Reserve, by a foreign Government is prohibited unless a waiver is granted.”
    • The foreign employment in question also includes employment with educational institutions or corporations that are owned, operated, or controlled by a foreign government. However, some waivers are issued to allow the employment. Requests for waivers must be made in writing and approved by both the Secretary of your Military Branch and the Secretary of State.


Alright soldiers, that is all I have for you today. Company Attention. Fallout!

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