Women are not equal to men.

To think that women are equal to men, would be to think all men are equal to each other. We are not. Women are not all equal to each other either. We need to divorce ourselves from this wretched idea of equality. Equality encourages satisfaction where there should be no satisfaction. We shouldn’t be satisfied with life, you can’t grow as a human being regardless of gender if you are satisfied.

If you remove the false stereotypes that advertising has placed on men and women, then you are forced to accept humans for their individual worth. Some men are more nurturing than some women. Some women are more commanding than some men. One is not equal to the other because our species is composed of endless variety. Even the chemical makeup that allows us to ejaculate and laugh or laugh while ejaculating is different for each of us! If we don’t even have the same chemical makeup, how the hell can we be equal in any other way!? Some women are incredible athletes and some men are incredible cooks. Some women have larger clitoris’ than men have penis’. Some men have larger breasts than some women! And the list goes on and on.

Once we stop looking at our culturally approved genders as dominant or subdominant the idea of culturally acceptable or demeaning behavior falls away as well. If I, as a man, am taught that I cannot pat a woman on her ass simply because I am a man, then I won’t do it. If I were a woman who wasn’t told to suffer the poor sexist behavior of men because they have some power over you and if you just stay quiet you may be able to move past them, you won’t.

We cannot blame individuals that are victims simply because they are victims, but we can blame predators for being predators when their behavior has never been acceptable. We also cannot abide silence in the hopes that we can move past these predators. There will always be those who assault or violate others, that’s a reality of life. But we have to stop this ridiculous idea that these predators came up in a different era, or their behavior is a reflection of the society they were raised. They are predators, period. It has never been acceptable to abuse another human being physically or emotionally, not in my lifetime and not in my parents. Stop pretending that because it happens illegally that it is okay or approved of.

We need to stop bending our will to those around us to simply get along. If you see a spade, call it a spade. Stop trying to find gentler language to soften the blow. Judge people on their individual behavior, and let them hear you do it! Once we start realizing an individual must be held responsible for their behavior, once we start holding people accountable publicly, we might see an end to most of this nonsense. Stop looking at people as their position or gender or ethnicity and start judging them for who they actually are!

Hail Satan!