The Empowered Woman

There seems to be a growing trend in Hollywood as of late: The empowered woman. Disney is making a big push in the Star Wars franchise with Rey, and Warner Brothers is kicking ass with Wonder Woman. I understand culturally where this could come from, but it doesn’t resonate with me simply because I grew up around empowered women. I live among the most powerful women in the world – Satanic Witches!

Whenever I hear anyone waxing on about feminism or how women never get a fair shake, I know I am looking at a talentless witch. While Hollywood takes advantage of all the women who bought into the ‘less than’ dogma, the real world is full of examples of women taking command for themselves and those around them without the need of fantasy role models.

Just as Satanism champions real world accomplishment, not online or entertainment based empowerment tomfoolery, the real Satanic Warlock has always and will always recognize, respect, and in certain cases fear the absolute command of the Satanic Witch. Don’t be suckered into the cultural diatribe about ‘taking back’ power, when the truth is, you’ve had it all along!

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